Hey there everyone. Legend here and this is "get blogged by the legend"!!!!!!!!! Pretty cool eh? So this is how it works. I will write in this thing at least twice a month. Hopefully more. You will be able to comment on what I wrote and if you ask nicely, I might even write about it. Now as you may already know my head works in weird ways so what ends up here might be a little goofy. Let me know what you think, ask me questions, tell me a story. I will tell you guys some cool stuff and more then likely some stuff that will make you laugh. Hey, you might even cry. I am really excited to see how this works and hope you folks are too. Well I guess that's all from me for now. Peace"the legend"
Hey Legend! Can you write about the history of camp IAWAH? I would like to know more about the past 50 years. How can I get more information?
legend, im excited that youre in the 'blogosphere'. it makes me giddy. anyways, keep it real up there and if you'd like to stay as my friend, please send me an email.
love gavin
Hey Legend! I don't need to tell you what will happen if you don't say favourable things about me (see Chuck about my new email address if you need a refresher).
Thanks so much for all the awesome awesomeness that you perform with your awesomeinity (in addition to being concussed, contused, and discombobulated constantly at Camp, Legend is also one heck of a dancer, a fine wedding guitarist, a funny fellow, and a good lookin' dude in a pink shirt)! I am alsa interested in the past 50yrs at Camp, can you please tell us the history from your own personal experience as it was right from the beginning? And I never did hear how you survived the zombie catastrophes of '78, '85, and 2-ought-6, can you focus on those in your history?
Now and Forever,
Heyy Legend,
im one of the campers of Iawah i was very in spired by the songs at prime time i now to have a band called legned followers and im the gituar and singer just like you!!! i love you well not literly but you inspired me a lot in your freakish ways i love you!
Hey legend.
I was wondering if you could perhaps tell us about what you want to do with your life (plans, marriage?, kids?)
Dear legend,
I had a really awsom experiance a cupple weeks ago.
I have a best friend and i usually only do stuff with her. and when she can't do stuff with me then theres no one else i cand do anything with because she was my only friend. but then we were fighting and i wanted someone to do stuff and play with. so i started playing with other people at school. but i didnt really feel excepted by them. like they werent my true friends. That night when i was reading a book my mom came into my room and gave me a book mark that i got for my 3rd birthday and guess what?????? on it there was a picture of a puppy and it said on it: Look For A Friend And You Will Find One.
It was amasing. I knew for sure that god was trying to tell me that it was going to be ok. And the next day the people that i was trying to be friends with TOTALLY were like my new best friends!!!! but i still play and do stuff with my other friend. and now erver since that, i have been trying to make as many new friends as possible.
could you please write about this??????
love from:
Nikki G.
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