Thursday, December 07, 2006

The squirrel invasion of 2003!!!!! I can honestly say I don't know what your talking about. I remember 1 chipmunk getting in the kitchen and spending 5 minutes to chase it out but squirrels? You'll have to refresh my memory on that on. Hunting stories. Now I do have many of those but I feel that not everyone is as interested in hunting as myself. I don't really know how to tell a story about music but what I can do is rant about it's glories. So here it goes.

Music has been a part of this world for a long time. It has been reaching into and touching peoples lives for centuries. For myself music is one of the biggest supports that holds me together and I believe that God has given me a love for it. God uses so many thing to help us and ultimately to bring glory to himself. Worship is enjoying things God has made for us and acknowledging the fact that he made us to enjoy them. (that's my defination) Loving music and listen to music with that mindset is worship. Music makes you think. You probably have songs you go to when your mad or happy or depressed. Think about it. If you were to make a soundtrack of you life what would it be? Actually I want you to do that. Think of all the songs that have had impact on you and make a cd. Think of different time periods in you life and the music that goes with it. There might be some kids songs there might be some pretty angry stuff and who knows there might even be some classical stuff in there too. I guess all I am trying to say is that music is really important and I pitty the people that don't have it or want it in their lives.

That's all I have to say about that. Good ol Forest gump. Anyways. Keep listening and let me know how the sound track goes. Peace.

"the legend"



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you tell us about the first time, the best time and the worst time you have had at Camp Iawah ?

December 08, 2006 9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you write about your first time at camp, your worst time at camp, and your best at camp?

December 08, 2006 9:52 AM  

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